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Art at the CAVE opens its doors to Sin

The opening exhibition starts at 5pm August 3, 2018.

If you haven't planned to come downtown Vancouver for First Friday we hope you will put it on your calendar right now. This will be a humorous poke at the concept of Sin and a good place to meet up with your fellow patrons of the arts.  108 E Evergreen Blvd., Vancouver, WA 98660. Wine and light refreshments will be served. Many of the artists will be available to answer your questions.

This is a juried show featuring artists Michele Collier, Jessica Damsky, Kayla Griffin, Cynthia Heise, Anne John, Clarice Keegan, Ryan W. Kelly, Meredith Lewis, Marc M. McVey, Alan Rose, Ruth Ross, Sally Sellers, Noah Alexander Isaac Stein, Dale Strouse and Samyak Yamauchi.  The subject – SIN?
How does a civilization's concept of sin and evil influence or express itself in fine art?  What is sin? What isn't? Who cares? How do we define “Sin”?  The Seven Deadly Sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth are behavioral but are they amoral? Is anything intrinsically ethical, or righteous or evil in reference to some universal code? No deity, no sin? Does that mean no right or wrong; nothing moral or immoral? Is there only good or bad karma and is anything taboo?  

Later Event: September 7
Stories that MIGHT be True